Saturday, April 14, 2007

Truth and Signs

Truth is always revealing itself to us, in every moment—the Truth of our global and human condition and the Truth of our own personal lives. This is one way that God works in the world, as this constant revelation of Truth, and some interpret this as “signs.”

There are always signs all around us, surrounding us, encouraging us to grow and learn and make better choices. Too often we don't even see the signs; other times we see them but don't know how to interpret them; and other times we see the signs, in some way know the change we should make, but we choose not to. We get caught in fear, pride, ego. We try to suppress the truth, which can work for awhile, but not forever. What we don't realize when we do this is that we make things much harder for ourselves in the long run. The longer we wait to make a change, the harder it will be on us. But the Truth has always been there waiting to be discovered.

In some ways Truth exists on a global, shared level. The Truth of the environmental state of the world is one example. There is one truth that is affecting all people around the world, whether it is recognized or not. Then there is Truth on an individual level, and what is Truth for one person is not necessarily the Truth for another person; individual purpose and fulfillment varies from person to person.

God is always pulling us toward our greatest fulfillment and supplies us with signs and encouragement in this direction. The signs come in all forms-sometimes the sign is a person or people who show up in our lives, sometimes it is an opportunity that comes up, sometimes it is a persistent, nagging feeling that we have inside. Through others and ourselves, God is determined to show us that what we deeply desire does exist and is possible, and that we are meant for those things. But because of human free will, we can live our entire lives ignoring the Truth and choosing things in our lives that lead to our suffering instead of our fulfillment. Part of the way out of human suffering is learning how to see and interpret signs, as Truth, and make different, better choices.

There are various forces working that operate against the Truth, which creates a challenge for us. There are many societal norms and practices that are not based on Truth, but they are so ingrained in us that we think they are truth. Sometimes we are so stubborn and attached to the way we think something has to be that we cannot see another way, perhaps a better way. What we really need, on an individual level, is to get to know ourselves intimately and be open to the Truth so that we can start living and being our highest potential. There are boundless possibilities and opportunities.

Suffering will go on, and the Truth and signs will continue to be there, until we make the right changes. If you are having a hard time really knowing what you are being called to do, then make a choice and live with it. If the same signs are still there, and you do not feel any more fulfilled, then perhaps it wasn't the choice you were being called to make. So make a different choice. But realize that your individual situation is very much your own creation, and that there is a way out, the way that God has been calling you to all along. Make the first step, and the Truth will keep guiding you.

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